Social Media Blog

The Award Winning SMF: Determination & Motivation.

Social Media Fanatic, is an award winning Social Media Management company in Telford, Shropshire, something I am truly proud of and would like to thank Telford Young Professionals for the continual support they have provided!

An Award Winning Social Media Management Company in Telford, Shropshire!

Following on nicely and to landmark the winning of our award (18 months into business) here are the 5 essentials lessons I have learnt!

5 Essentials Social Media Fanatic has Learnt in Business:

  1. Remembering why you started – this can keep you going in them awful, soul destroying days when the world feels like it is going to end.
  2. Don’t get offended – Not everyone will be as lovely you. Sometimes someone may say something which is a little on the fence, don’t take it personally or get offended… simply smile.
  3. Network, network – This is essential if you are working from home. It gets you out of the house, meeting people, socialising, talking and prevents what I like to call cabin fever.
  4. Fear is good – Having fear gives you the drive which helps you to succeed, so don’t run away from situations that may give you a little fear, embrace them!
  5. Smile – If you are having the day from hell and you have a meeting with an important client, just smile. It all seems a little better. You never know it could make their day!

Determination and Motivation!

However, the most important thing you need to have is determination and motivation – without this your business can not grow, achieve or succeed. This video is one of my favourites (for my not so good days)! ← WATCH IT!

I am going to leave you with this quote: ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’ Walt Disney